Sunday 16 October 2011

To Be Or Not To Be

Once I've put all my courage together and resolved  to take a work of art to a seminar or rather some informal talk we had afterwards entitled "Um den Punkt gesprochen/ Talking around the point". "As it was supposed to be something small that can be carried around easily, the thing I came up with was "To be or not to be" and so I did deliver the entire soliloquy in English - my dearest lovely professor did not understand a word, but it enabled us to dsicuss more formal aspects like the flow and the melody -, but what it actually did to me was giving me the oportunity to discover my own definition of Art with a capital "A", which turned out to be something that each time you visit it would show you some new aspects, things you have not been able to notice before. Something as alive and complex as life itself or nature.
To me it's always quite nice to walk outside into the garden and simply watch and listen to eg the bees and bumble bees humming around in the lavender, what a gorgeous sight. And then I remember my mother commenting that if one has not got the time to look after one's garden, one should use concrete to cover the space, what a hostile view. I'd rather have a wild garden than concrete, but then my mother's view simply reflects the common attitude today, a shame. There have been so many gifts we received, a walnut tree or some holly, that have just started growing, most probably due to some birds...

"Nachdem der bunte Vogel der Phantasie ihn seit langem verlassen hatte, kam eines Tages das graue Huhn der Depression/ After the multicoloured bird of fantasy had left him for a long time, the grey hen of depression appeared."

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