Thursday 10 November 2016

Zu-fall - Coincidence

Der Zufall ist das, was mir zu-fällt, fällt wie Solness vom Turm in meinen Schoß, wenn ich es zu-lasse.

The Zufall/ coincidence/ fall-to is something that falls to me, falls like Solness from his tower into my lap, if I tolerate it...and yet it maybe floats in-between, in the co-incidence...or like the leaves from the mulberrytree in the garden.


Some interesting coincidences if you're open enough to let them be.


First: The exlibris of Dr P(ieter) Endt, aka Ed Coenraads, fell to me contained in the cheapest copy of 'Der Leibgardist' by Franz Molnar I coud get a hold of. Copies of that play, especially from the 1920s, are very rare because Franz Molnar wasn't much in favour with the Nazis. This copy I got from a Dutch bookshop and it once belonged to Pieter Endt, who translated Nietzsche into Dutch, was an Cabaret artist and wrote a book that is set during the Munich Räterepublik (workers' republic) in 1919.

The second exlibris was even a bigger surprise, it was hidden behind a library card - something that alas left some traces on the item. It was inside a German copy of the play '2x2=5' by Gustav Wied I got from an American second-hand bookshop.

So apparently this book once belonged to Delia Austrian, namesake of the Delia Austrian Medal for the "most distinguished performance of an actor or an actress on the Broadway Stage".

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