Tuesday 24 January 2012

Der Beuys'che und der Chesterton'sche Kunstbegriff AKA Art according to Beuys and Chesterton

In a way the art term of Joseph Beuys and Gilbert Keith Chesterton correspond, and I do regard them both very highly. According to Beuys extented definition of art (erweiterter Kunstbegriff) anything could be art - and as far as I interpret it, if something is art or not, really depends on the attitude of the maker to his /her product -; according to Chesterton art is made by the urge to create something and to seperate oneself from it - i.e in my interpretation: to produce it, or even simpler to do it... In some odd way this doesn't by the way imply that everything is art ;), but maybe only that even the artist is but an ordinary person, that distinguishes himself/herself only because he/she has found his/her vocation and dared to live up to it.

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