Saturday 17 June 2017

Part Two

part one btw

That  about sums up what the great majority of occidental people think nowadays. Yet it has only been a few centuries since the belief in the all-encompassing validity and the flawless precision (a view that is challenged again by the latest development in physics) of this law of cause and effect has taken hold of the human brain. And if we were able to knit a complete web of causes and effects, would this actually explain everything that is going on in the world? Is the guideline of scientific causality the only facility to find one's way in the labyrinth of reality? The so-called primitive people, whose metaphorical wisdom often comes shockingly close to the mystery of life, regard all circumstances as acts of impenetrable powers. The deeply religious person even today experiences evolution as a creatio continua, the everlasting creation by God. Even the soberest rationalist sometimes shivers, when in the mechanics of coincidences suddenly there arises a meaning, when in the impersonal play of powers something flashes like a - destiny. Every effect has a cause: this flimsy formula explains nothing, because it says nothing about the 'cause' and the way it rules.

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