Running down a narrow hidden staircase and being greeted by the words: "C'est la différance, Daniela, c'est la différance!" by the person running up. Well, I know, for unlike you I prefer JD to Vilém Flusser and of course you were infinitely aware of this :-)! - There are still some books you have to return to me, but never mind, as long as you read in them and also read my silly comments and look at my drawings from time to time...
Anyway oddly enough I was thinking about some of the thoughts that are referred to in this video this night and as a reminder got aware of it this morning. My assumption this night was that art constitutes itself within a "rest" a "surplus" that the artist adds to his work and I will elaborate a little bit more in future posts. For the time being I forward this panel, a transcript and a translation.
Transcript: Die kunsthistorischen Termini des "Linearen" und des "Malerischen", des eben mehr Konzeptuellen und des eher Spontanen. (Arrows link "Linearen" with Konzeptuellen, "Malerischen" with Spontanen). Konzeptuellen -> vordenkbar -> Muß dies noch ausgeführt werden? oder: Brauchen wir zum Nachvollzug egentlich Originale?; Spontanen -> unvordenklich
Translation: The art historical terms of the "linear"(better "design") and the "pictoral", of the more conceptual and the more spontaneous (arrows link "linear"/"design" with conceptual, "pictoral" with spontaneous).
conceptual-> predestined -> Is there any real need to perform it? or: Do we need an original to understand it?;
spontanenous -> unpredictable