"......Be what it is, The Action of my life is like it, which I'll keep if but for sympathy."

Sunday, 30 April 2017
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Weiteres Gedicht von den Gaben
Dank will ich sagen...
für die Liebe, die uns die anderen sehen läßt
wie die Gottheit sie sieht,...
Another Poem of the Gifts
I want to say thanks...
for love, that makes us see the others
like the deity sees them,...
Jorge Luis Borges
What a notion of Love, what a notion of God
Dank will ich sagen...
für die Liebe, die uns die anderen sehen läßt
wie die Gottheit sie sieht,...
Another Poem of the Gifts
I want to say thanks...
for love, that makes us see the others
like the deity sees them,...
Jorge Luis Borges
What a notion of Love, what a notion of God
Friday, 28 April 2017
Schmetterling, Schmetterling
Sometimes I wonder if the German language possesess an inherent brutality, like a "butterfly" is a "Schmetterling", which would rather mean something like "burstling" and "schmettern" really implies a loud and violent act.
Then there is this the English lyrics "You, you break my heart, you tear me up in so many parts" of this song,
translated into "Du, du brichst mein Herz, du spaltest mich in Stücke- links und rechts."/ You, you break my heart, you cleave me to pieces - left and right.
There is also "Ich fürchte mich vor dir."/ I'm afraid of you. ;)
Be sure to pack your axe ;).
Then there is this the English lyrics "You, you break my heart, you tear me up in so many parts" of this song,
translated into "Du, du brichst mein Herz, du spaltest mich in Stücke- links und rechts."/ You, you break my heart, you cleave me to pieces - left and right.
There is also "Ich fürchte mich vor dir."/ I'm afraid of you. ;)
Be sure to pack your axe ;).
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Those Honey Lips
"... with a wicked, wicked grin."
Like most of philosophy, a good movie explains itself from the ending. Sometimes there might be quite odd and often memorable scenes that in retrospect reveal their true meaning.
Some minor spoiler alert, I highly recommend watching The Strange Awakening before reading on!
Reading the reviews on imdb, I notice that some people remember, even after years, the same scene and it is a key one, at least in my view, yet they are not able to see its deeply twisted and disturbing meaning, going well beyond the mere fact that a brother kisses his alleged sister in a quite unbrotherly way. Maybe he is just responding to her wicked unsisterly designs for him while she is drawing him into her deadly web. Kiss me deadly.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
As we struggle for the only true way for everyone to be happy, we fundimentally forget that there might just be so many ways and that above all it's more important to create the environment so that everybody might live up to their - sometimes very own - personal happiness.
Inside or out would be no category any more.
Of course, there will be choices to be made ;).
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Monday, 24 April 2017
Christian Morgenstern's Deep Frivolity
Gallows Hill
Inapprehensible for dull-witted folks
we practice life's game.
Especially the inevitable
serves as our ridicule's aim
Mayest call it a child's revenge
on being's deep seriousness;
willst get to know life better,
if you learn to understand us
Christian Morgenstern
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Delivery - Deliverance
In seine Lieb versenken
will ich mich ganz hinab;
mein Herz will ich ihm schenken
und alles, was ich hab
In his love
I want to submerge myself completely
My heart I want to give him
and everything I own
Friedrich Spee
will ich mich ganz hinab;
mein Herz will ich ihm schenken
und alles, was ich hab
In his love
I want to submerge myself completely
My heart I want to give him
and everything I own
Friedrich Spee
Friday, 21 April 2017
Every Once in a While
there appears somebody who seems to be fallen out of time, like he belonged to a different time and space.
"Stay in the spaceship you command"
"Who wounds himself with roses?"
"Stay in the spaceship you command"
"Who wounds himself with roses?"
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
The Gift
So some people do believe so much in the coexistence of different cultures and nations that they choose to give themselves up as a hostage.
Sonnet 23
There is this mood to rather shield them from the world, for hardly ever do they lie or can be made to lie.
Yet one has to be quick to catch them, for they are constantly in motion.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
As If
"Im ruhigen Empfangszimmer,
dessen strenge Uhr eine Zeit vergießt,
die längst ohne Abenteuer und Staunen ist..."
"In the quiet front room,
whose rigorous clock spills a time,
that long since is without adventure and wonder..."
Excerpt from Rosas by Jorge Luis Borges
"Like Venice: always in peril and joy" - Michael Staab
Monday, 17 April 2017
Sunday, 16 April 2017
"Would you keep me company?!"
There was this man who would state that the foremost quality of his wife was that she was a good companion. Later on he would be looking for a mother for his son...
There was this man who would state that the foremost quality of his wife was that she was a good companion. Later on he would be looking for a mother for his son...
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Friday, 14 April 2017
Offenbar verstand Elisabeth diese Wolke, denn sie war ganz dem Anschauen hingegeben. Und wieder war ihre sonst verborgene Seele in ihr Gesicht getreten, lachte leise aus den vergrößerten Augen, machte den zu schmalen Mund kindlich weich und hatte die überkluge herbe Stirnfalte zwischen den Brauen geebnet. Die Schönheit und Wahrhaftigkeit eines großen Kunstwerks zwang ihre Seele, selbst schön und wahrhaftig und unverhüllt sich darzustellen.
Obviously Elisabeth understood the cloud because she was completely devoted to watching it. Yet again her usually concealed soul was reflected in her face, laughed silently out of her enlarged eyes, made her too tight lips childishly soft and had flattened the sapiently harsh wrinkle between her brows. The beauty and veracity of a great work of art made her soul have to present itself in a beautiful and veritable and unveiled way.
Excerpt from Peter Camenzind by Hermann Hesse
Obviously Elisabeth understood the cloud because she was completely devoted to watching it. Yet again her usually concealed soul was reflected in her face, laughed silently out of her enlarged eyes, made her too tight lips childishly soft and had flattened the sapiently harsh wrinkle between her brows. The beauty and veracity of a great work of art made her soul have to present itself in a beautiful and veritable and unveiled way.
Excerpt from Peter Camenzind by Hermann Hesse
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Yes, You,
who must leave everything that you cannot control
It begins with your family, but soon
it comes round to your soul
We weren't lovers like that and besides it would still be alright.
It begins with your family, but soon
it comes round to your soul
We weren't lovers like that and besides it would still be alright.
So This
postcard, that by chance was included in the book at a flea market at our parish house, made me buy the copy of Hermann Hesse's novel Peter Camenzind. - What a wonderful novel!
Oddly this copy was published in the German Democratic Republic and was prohibited from being sold anywhere else, yet it made its way to the very West of the Federal Republic of Germany...
Oddly this copy was published in the German Democratic Republic and was prohibited from being sold anywhere else, yet it made its way to the very West of the Federal Republic of Germany...
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Remembering that the amalgamation between man and horse could be something quite horrific, like Ovid's account of the battle between the Lapiths and the Centaurs.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
The Age of the Absolute
"Relativieren", "relativeren" or "relativise", though often taken to mean "modify" or "qualify", verbatim means to put things in relation with one another, which actually describes the act of thinking. We should rather learn to relate or else we will end up in the absolute.
Knit my darling, knit.
Knit my darling, knit.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Nihil Obstat
Which kind of melancholy do you prefer?
The obvious one
or the one that hides in "encore une fois"...
I love to swim....
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Friday, 7 April 2017
Blauäugig - Starry-Eyed
Without a certain kind of naiveté there wouldn't be much art around. Sometimes it reveals itself only on hindsight.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
The Vein
"...Das gilt zunächst und vor allen vom Schauspieler. Bei ihm soll sich (eigenes) Blut mit (fremdem) Geist verbinden und etwas Neues hervorbringen: die auf der Bühne erscheinende Gestalt. Diese höchst merkwürdige Verschmelzung naturgewachsenen Lebens mit einer im voraus geprägten geistigen Form..." - Dr Karl Wollf, Betrachtungen über Shakespeare - Shakespeare-Festspiele der sächsischen Staatstheater Dresden 1930
"...This can be said first of all and foremost of the actor. In his case blood (of his own) is to be united with a(nother's) mind to create something new: the figure that appears on the stage. This highly peculiar fusion of naturally grown life and a pre-existing mental form.." - Dr. Karl Wollf
"...This can be said first of all and foremost of the actor. In his case blood (of his own) is to be united with a(nother's) mind to create something new: the figure that appears on the stage. This highly peculiar fusion of naturally grown life and a pre-existing mental form.." - Dr. Karl Wollf
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
In English it's the head in German "halsstarrig" the neck, yet hands are also telling.
standing one's ground
Monday, 3 April 2017
My Heavy Dirty Soul
I keep on wondering at certain technical devices. Why, for Heaven's sake, would you have something else knead the dough for you and having all the fun?!
"...This explains the perennial popularity of improptu private theatricals. These fascinate because they give such a scope of invention and variety with the most domestic restriction of machinery. A tea-cosy may have to do for an Admiral's cocked hat; it all depends on whether the amateur actor can swear like an Admiral. A hearth-rug may have to do for a bear's fur, it all depends on whether the wearer is a polished and versatile man of the world and can grunt like a bear. A clergyman's hat (to my own private and certain knowledge) can be punched and thumped into the exact shape of a policeman's helmet; it all depends on the clergyman. I mean it depends on his permission; his imprimatur; his nihil obstat. Clergymen can be policemen; rugs can rage like wild animals; tea-cosies can smell of the sea; if only there is at the back of them all one bright and amusing idea..." - Chesterton, The Flat Freak
Sunday, 2 April 2017
I Love the Way You Move
Especially the hands are sometimes very intriguing...And then there is the story of how the pockets of stage actors' trousers and jackets were stitched up to prevent them from putting their hands into them.
There Is Nothing Good Unless One Acts Accordingly
I can not deny that sometimes I feel that manual labour is greeted by much contempt.
Yet I wonder how it would feel to really in reality make concepts happen. Not to dream up some recipe but to actually cook it.
experiment and experience
Cecily: This is no time for wearing the shallow mask of manners. When I see a spade I call it a spade.
Gwendoline [satirically]: I am glad to say that I have never seen a spade. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different. - Oscar Wilde
Yet I wonder how it would feel to really in reality make concepts happen. Not to dream up some recipe but to actually cook it.
experiment and experience
Cecily: This is no time for wearing the shallow mask of manners. When I see a spade I call it a spade.
Gwendoline [satirically]: I am glad to say that I have never seen a spade. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different. - Oscar Wilde
Saturday, 1 April 2017
It's always like this, art is only a catalyst. And its creation has at least two aspects, the one who fabricates and the one who realizes.
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