Friday, 20 December 2013


Whether deliberately or not, sometimes I hope to be able to see things from a different angle, somehow upside down. There 's got to be a way to live.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

There Is No Way

around the topsy-turvy, if one is looking for adventure and (true spiritual) experiences.

And I love it...Shake it/me, baby!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

"Difference is Beautiful"

There is certainly a reason why I love listening to Peter Brook.

Probably because he knows to express thoughts that are very close to my heart.

I especially like the note he ends on that difference is not something to be afraid of, to deny or to just ignore, but something to cherish. Something that is hardly heard of nowadays, but something that makes up every single person's uniqueness.


and hurry up

Monday, 16 December 2013


There's too much  and yet far too little to actually wake me up and get me interested.

Where has the sheer joy gone and where the brilliant, light and deep discourse?!

Saturday, 14 December 2013


You've been hiding for ever
What can I do
I've been waiting for someone like you
I've been talking to strangers
I don't think I should
I've been waiting for someone
I'm aching for someone

Friday, 13 December 2013

Vergegenwärtigung - Visualisation - Wow

The other day somebody remarked that he wanted to build an art museum for the present, even discarding "museum" as inappropiate, for he felt that the musea nowadays are presenting outdated art.  Yet there is something he probably completely misunderstood about the fine arts, they are in themselves visualisation. I like the German term "Vergegenwärtigung" because it contains "Gegenwart"/"presence", thus also representation. Whatever it is a work of art contains, it is also a presence.

Thursday, 12 December 2013


There was a time me and my daughter indulged in inventing new swear-words, usually linking one or several adjectives with a noun to create some wonderful images. In fact I made her because I thought the usual stuff far too boring.

Whatever happened to a language or a culture that does not actually realise this potential any more?! Or where has the time to indulge gone?!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Equilibrium

Odd situation: I need to care a lot to be inspired or inspiration makes me care a lot, but I also need to keep my distance in order to be able to work it out...

Like being full of spirit and shy at the same time...Mix it well and it will explode...

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Age of the Superlative

Everywhere one is turning in the media, journalism, private conversation there is a fondness for employing the superlative, a gigantic figure being beyond any framework.

Yet, how ever to hold dear these giants?! Unless they've got something tiny and adorable - precious.

Monday, 9 December 2013


There is a deep irony that runs almost melancholic and yet revealing a compassionate and light heart.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Happy Struggle

'The whole thing is about the struggle and the struggle makes it a fun activity.’ - Frank Auerbach

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Present Time II

In-Between the actor, the musician and the painter / sculptor is probably the only chance that the presence can ever exist, its elusive relevance shines in just that moment.

It's an even more endangered  species since most people are able to capture and preserve it with a simple device, for they will never be able live it.

Present Time

There is certainly a time to think about the present and its meaning and the perception of it...

The Ever Present by Admiral Freebee featuring Flip Kowlier ;)!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


There is something quite awkward about being shy.

When somebody called me a "sensitive artist", I instantly felt like I had to run away immediately. Thankfully it was only a virtual conversation and nothing real or face to face. Yet it got even more awkward when I realised my emotion and told him that his accolade does not actually help me - and at least other people are able to read this on facebook, with me giving away my name.

Like Chesterton said a letter box is a quite dramatic device because once a letter is submitted to it, it cannot be retrieved. So whatever will happen, will happen. Facebook or Twitter could be quite analogous nowadays.

The heck with it actually, besides being shy I'm also adventurous.

Monday, 25 November 2013


My dealers offer the greatest stuff and they make me go all tingly.

There are so many colours and paints, there are so many different papers.

At other times it's those wonderful fabrics, this great wool.

The imagination runs wild, what to do, what to make.

Sunday, 24 November 2013


The weird, slightly offbeat stuff is so much more compelling and endearing to love than the perfectly executed one.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

It's Not Always

the case that things turn out the way they were planned.

But then again it's nice to be open-minded.

What good to undertake a journey, when the outcome is already certain.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Gigantic II

When talking about the sublime in art Jacques Derrida called it monstrous or gigantic.

Thursday, 21 November 2013


There is always some lack of space.

There's always something that does not quite fit into the frame(work)....

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


On good days, I like to think that I'd prefer to be a little more flippant, especially in respect to some people who take themselves and their issues far too seriously.

Oops, somtimes I don't even have to be clairvoyant to see through you and your designs. A shame that you underestimate me and yourself ;)!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

What If...

the villian of the story is not profoundly evil?! What if I understand his motives all too well and start commiserating?!

The least I can say is that such stories are far more intriguing.

And yet in the best of them there is a redemptive element.

Monday, 18 November 2013


I wanted it to shrug, but then I'm obviously not that kind of person.

Where there is life there ought to be hope ;)!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Friday, 15 November 2013

The Miserable Rich

or why at times it was/is a blessing to be compelled to fast.

I'm thinking of a the miserable saturated rich, who cannot enjoy all the wealth that is surrounding them. Like somebody from my own family put it: "One can never have enough."

What a blessing it would be to fast again because firstly one can again learn to appreciate simple food or as somebody put it "reality". And a step further when one breaks the fast, the more sophisticated, luxurious food will taste just this.

Maybe this is also a comment on the prices some works of art raised in auctions just recently.

There is this anecdote by Francis Bacon, who himself living in a hotel, once encountered a man carrying bags full of food into this hotel. When Bacon enquired about it, he replied that he was missing fixing his own meals.

"Because murder is like anything you take to
It's a habit-forming need for more and more"

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Are You Laughing Hard or Hardly Laughing?!

There certainly was a time I could laugh pretty much and long.
Indeed so hard and so long that my belly would hurt.

I wonder where these times have gone and if they will ever return ;)!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Good-Humoured Vanity

or pride

The man who would rather take a swing at the end of a rope than explain his benevolent actions to somebody who does not observe or care to listen.

There's choices to be taken ;)!

The Man Who Shot the Fox, G K Chesterton

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

What's In a Name

or in a work of art?! Nowadays apparently not enough.

At my academy's annual exhibition, the "Rundgang", a painting class once plastered the walls with tape, on which was stated in huge  black, painted letters that one of them had won a prize.

It's become quite common in advertising to add to whatever given name, the titles, nominations and distinctions, that this particular person has earned. Yet, I suppose, that it inevitably is more of a distinction if a name is given without any explanation necessary.

Monday, 11 November 2013


Whoever has an ego, should no be likely to evade responsibility.

Unless one perceives oneself to be the protagonist of some horror movie, there are always fellow human beings to respond to and for. And even if so, those horror movies, in which the protagonist has not just to struggle with some outside invaders but also with his/her conscience, are the better ones by far ;).

Sunday, 10 November 2013

If You Don't Go, I Don't Go

Though maybe "hell" is in "hello", I still love to understand....

Quite obstinate and stubborn in this respect

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Drawn to It

In the struggle between pen and brush, the brush definitely wins at the moment...

I just can't get myself interested in a straight line at the moment, neither passionately nor technically.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Space Is Where We Belong

"It took me 20 minutes to make this on a fortunate evening: 
"I got a sickness inflicted upon me in a hazardous tempo
Space is truly infinite I feel, you can't say that of time
I got a weakness because I got addicted to slowing down
In the face of your future, you win" (Bert Ostyn)"
I've come to the conclusion that what really inspires me about great Art, is the gaps and spaces it leaves for the spectator to fill. How it may reach out to my singular life.
Like the conversation I once overheard on a train ride. A woman had recently been to an exhibition of sculptures by Joseph Beuys and one of them reminded her of a special dish she used to make but had forgotten all about and now she wanted to cook it again.
Or there was Barnett Newman at the Louvre visiting "Mona Lisa" and all of a sudden unexpectedly she actually smiled at him, which was not always the case.

Yet the best works of art are those that present a different view each time one revisits them. Apparently they are so many layered, so full of life that they are able to grow in different directions and one may never ever come to a final conclusion. I got this feeling especially about Shakespeare.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Greatest Obstacles

The best tools for any oppressive regime to stay in power are hatred and fear, and they are not reluctant to use propaganda to implant it.

Yet there are weapons against it: laughter and subversive irony.

What I'm Hoping For...

Either send me floating or make me fall, but let's make something happen ;)

Monday, 4 November 2013

Those Days of Youth

You'll never have to give up on them!

Odd how it took just a couple of weeks at the university and all sense of fun and irony had vanished from my fellow Abiturienten (high-school graduates). Life apparently catches on fast.

Several years later at a wedding I met some of them again, now physicians, and all the humour they might have had at the Gymnasium had turned into acid cynicism. - And they had the most terrible girlfriends all seeming to derive from the same stupid stock.

Yet according to some my husband and me have never actually changed through all this.