"......Be what it is, The Action of my life is like it, which I'll keep if but for sympathy."
into your arms
a vantage point but probably none of engagement
you look at things and
the way they look back
in a way pretty liberating, of course yet still in a negative way
fight inhibition and pride
nevertheless and even more
the hardest to achieve
a lost cause
love you so very much
certainly in the mix
still ceci n'est pas what it apparently shows
this is no jump or leap
Ceci n'est pas
as only the inside gets out and never the outside in
the end and aim
accumilations of divisiveness
it feels anything, any imprudent move could stir up some nasty reaction
maybe falling
just at the right moment
sometimes it is just small talk
to keep it rolling because it is fun
there is beauty
probably a look that looks back
interesting times
to be bridged
in communion
shine on
and even joy
something to grow fond of in time