Thursday, 30 November 2017


study history not because it is, but because it isn't - and probably never will be.

And yet let's hope that some day it will be.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

First Draft of a Worst Case Scenario

If to live means to take risks or chances, what about a world where taking risks or chances is discouraged?!

Thursday, 23 November 2017

For Heaven's Sake

Who would dare to paint himself black with all the sometimes more than unpleasant consequences in order to redeem his fellow man?! - Four Faultless Felons

Tuesday, 21 November 2017


Pride will be the thing they snatch you by. Pride makes you consume far beyond your needs. Pride breeds greed. Pride will make you refuse the helping hand. Pride - the sin against the self.

So let's make fools of ourselves!

Monday, 20 November 2017


"Een hart onder de riem steken/ to put a heart under the belt" meaning to encourage - and that is sometimes exactly what I would like to do with the people I like because I know what they are capable of and in a weird way I want to give them all the support I can.

Sometimes I know that you can even do better.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Saving Grace

There sometimes is this perfect innocence, grace, and maybe by saving this grace you will find grace.

A miracle if this happens in all the distortion that this world is prone to, within a single line that might be a horizon.

Thursday, 16 November 2017


To be at somebody's mercy or to be the one being able to dispense it - sometimes it's a narrow margin. Nevertheless the toughest moment might be the one where you will be asked to be both - sacrifice.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

No Simulation

So what if there is a work of art, in this case a movie, that features something that nowdays is usually simulated? And it has people wondering at the fact that the children are not traumatized by the wild boar's death...


I definitely do understand the appealing nature of this architectural simulation, and how it is the dream of a desert nation made real: Yet what is this compared to the actual experience of a night spent in Dartmoor or the actual desert? Nowadays I find myself thinking of Andersen's fairy tale The Nightingale a lot.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Victim or Sacrifice

"...cause for the I as I, that is not just because of the possibility of death within being, the "possibility of the impossible", but already because of the possibility of sacrifice, the birth of meaning within the dorkiness of being, the subordination of "the ability to die" to the "ability to sacrifice oneself"."- Emmanuel Levinas, Die Versuchung der Versuchung/ The Temptation of Temptation, translation by me

So the second item on the wishlist was to be a sacrifice...