Monday, 23 June 2014


"...cause for the I as I, that is not just because of the possibility of death within being, the "possibility of the impossible", but already because of the possibility of sacrifice, the birth of meaning within the dorkiness of being, the subordination of "the ability to die" to the "ability to sacrifice oneself"." - Emmanuel Levinas, Die Versuchung der Versuchung/ The Temptation of Temptation, translation by me

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Some Images Are Too Tempting

like picturing the blonde curls as a waves of some respect holy because life-saving.

Friday, 20 June 2014


...your unruly hair

"A country girl I know in the county of Buckingham had never seen the sea in her life until the other day. When she was asked what she thought of it she said it was like cauliflowers." - G.K. Chesterton, The Garden of the Sea

Thursday, 19 June 2014

I'll Clap if I'm Impressed

If one manages to get me to care for a character, to feel passionate about this person, to listen, I'm frankly and thoroughly entertained.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Real Life

While I was studying I got pregnant. It grew very obvious to everybody and so one day a  feminist fellow student  stepped up to me and smirking she enquired: "And the father?!" Recognising the implied "that swine", I turned on her: "YOU! You are not even worthy of putting his name into your mouth. He actually proposed to me. And I declined because if it turns out to be an unhappy marriage I will not have the child to have to grow up with the burden of being the reason for our misery."

When my eldest daughter was five, I married her father.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

After the

sudden and swift battle, the victor rushed forward and frantically kissed the loser.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Everybody ought to be/ is a Believer

There are some things everybody simply has to believe in because they cannot actually be proven. The best example is love, just consult Shakespeare and find out what happens if you demand a proof.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Friday, 6 June 2014

A Little Miracle Every Day

The fly was dancing in the flush and with the last gush it apparently went down. Yet slumped it reappeared on the surface. Gently I took it outside, where it flew away.

Thursday, 5 June 2014


Two stories for today:
Several years ago in my hometown there was this adolescent boy whom people simply passed by assuming that he was drunk. Some passers-by even ranted about his supposed drunkenness leaving him lying at the side of the road. Yet the boy was a diabetic suffering from a hypoglycaemia and he almost died.

When my eldest daughter was still a child, we noticed this boy she did not actually like because he constantly was calling her names. He and his bike were lying on the ground. Coming closer it became obvious that he was unable to move lying there rather twisted. Approaching even more I realised that his shoelaces were twisted around the bicycle chain rendering him unable to free himself. Laughing I bowed down and untied him.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

All at Once

and if you do not see it or are not tempted to look, just forget it.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Why is it so hard to take these very serious and solemn things as they present themselves?!

It's weird how this turns out quite to the contrary, yet like Chesterton put it, it's always those serious matters, like death and marriage, one tends to jest about.

Sunday, 1 June 2014