Tuesday 26 April 2016

Something That Sort of Made Me Wonder

is the fact that Batman v Superman is so topical.

Of course there is this issue of xenophobia that is always and everywhere rearing its uggly head, but with the civil war in Syria and the subsequent refugee crisis it regretfully is becoming more prevailing. Just replace the word Superman each time he is referred to as an alien by muslim and see what happens. Regretfully some of my dearest friends on facebook have turned away from it because there is a lot of xenophobic hatred going on and they cannot bear it.

Then there were the bombings in Brussels and the first positive review I've come across was in a Belgian magazine. They called it an experience. Although their desire to escape from the dire reality outside was frustrated, for as they stated the same destruction was going on in the movie, they loved it. Their favourite scene was when Batman told Martha Kent that he was a friend of her son's. And I can see why: There is a need for redemption, possibly most urgently if one has experienced terrorist attacks and lives in fear of fear, and here it is fully accomplished.

And there was also a friend who would comment on the fact that a lot of people are campaigning to legalise torture to extract information from terrorists, who have been caught, in this case Salah Abdeslam. My friend, who is a lawyer, argued against it from a legal point of view stating the unconstitutionality of torture. My additional point was rather Alfred's comment that Bruce Wayne had 'interrogated' six and found out nothing - torture is not even a potent device to extract information.

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