Tuesday 19 April 2016

Coming To Think Of It...

there are at least two instances wehen I got in through the window ;). Once at my grandparents' through the toilet window. They obviously left it open to fight the odour and besides it was high up and small, but my father lifted me up and I was still small.
The second time I went in through the cellar at my parents' house. They weren't home for the whole day and my siblings and me had forgotten the key inside. The open window was actually in the room where the furnace was situated and there was only a door half up the wall that could be locked to the next room. Thank God, it wasn't locked that day because there would have been no way for me to climb back outside again and there were quite obviously spiders in this room. An afternoon spent in a cellar and in the company of spiders would have been less than wonderful ;).

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