Friday 29 September 2023


 and self-absorbed inside the darkness not yet realising the light within

the small step that's still lacking

antecipating the pain it will cost

this is going to be much darker and lower still


Thursday 28 September 2023

Tuesday 26 September 2023

On Second Glance

 or even third or fourth, there still is something funny about it

hopefully it continues to kick and bite

my certainties

Monday 25 September 2023


 and you might just be able to balance several things at the same time

keep it up

Sunday 24 September 2023

Slightly Off

 centre, but who isn't

or who actually purports to be and who certainly is not

and finally chosing not to be interested, well, there is a choice to be had

Friday 22 September 2023


 it never fails to intrigue and it has yet to be fully captured

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Machine Life

what was a useful tool has taken now control


poor sod, it definetly was the fun the machine got

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Monday 18 September 2023

Just How Much

emitting the energy

put in order the chaos of the brushstrokes

hen and egg

Sunday 17 September 2023


 depending on the vantage point

too much opinion anyway and not enough play

Friday 15 September 2023













by surprise

by memories

and grateful

sadly rare

Thursday 14 September 2023

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Funny or Die

 Hearing the song on the radio and then remembering another time it was on quite early in the morning. My hubby still half asleep next to e, when he suddenly rushes outside. Apparently he had confused this song with the ring tone of the telephone. Lol.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Saturday 9 September 2023


 wondering how to escape the laziness, especially that of the mind

Friday 8 September 2023

Run O

 as one may imagine

up to the obstacles

without or within

Wednesday 6 September 2023


 comes knocking down the heart or the brain as Chesterton pointed out.

Never fret, be courageous as the youth is.

Courageously sidewards!

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Monday 4 September 2023


 seeking deliberately out the giants that populate your deluded fantasies

when all is but perspective

Sunday 3 September 2023




the fire continues to burn - no ashes anywhere to be seen


old loves - no relics

Saturday 2 September 2023


 where the blood will run when we're upside down

shame and laughs on you but don't let that deter you

Friday 1 September 2023