Friday 20 April 2018

Transsubstantiation or Koets naar Wenen - Milksop III

Spoiler alert, if you still want to read the book, do not read any further!

Throughout the book Christianity and especially Krista's faith play a pivotal part - in the movie there is the music that often turns the forrest into a giant cathedral. So Krista is praying a lot, though what she is praying for, may seem not that Christian at all. She actually prays to God to give her the strength, especially the mental strength, to kill Hans - an eye for an eye, Hans' life for her husband's, who has been hanged by the Germans.

Yet, what really blew my mind, is the final image, the final page, when Krista is returning with Hans' body and in her mind, there happens a transsubstantiation, as Hans' body and the blood turn into the Eucharist - host and wine. I wonder about the movie because it isn't quite that obvious, since just the body is presented with a bloody cloth covering the face, lying on the hay. Anyway I see the point and it is right, between the two of them there happened something sacred and in his innocence he becomes a Christ-like figure, he has to bear the sins. - Agnus Dei!

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