Wednesday 28 June 2017


While my bike was being returned I myself was in the backyard looking for fireflies. It so happened that in one bush there was a constant glow and I was able to pick it up and hold it in my hands. My husband joined me and I started marveling at the fact that it wasn't going away, it seemed rather attached to my hand. So I came up with the thought that it had been caught in a spider's web and there was still a thread in my hand that would fix it. I even wondered if it was dead, but then my husband stated correctly that it wouldn't be glowing if it was. Gently I put it on the ground.

This experience made me wonder about this garden.

Hygiene only the second worst: "The chief of all, of course, is that miserable fear of being sentimental, which is the meanest of all the modern terrors - meaner even than the terror which produces hygiene...These creatures who wept like women were the creatures who laughed like men." Chesterton, Heretics

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