Monday 6 March 2017

Listen Carefully

and suddenly things will get a twist, like this dialogue lines from some adventure film from the 1960s.

"Er kommt von weit, weit her. Aus einem Land, wo die Menschen sich gegenseitig töteten, weil manche meinten, sie wären von Geburt aus besser als die anderen...Er hat nur eine Liebe und das ist ein Traum...Ein Wunschbild, dem er nachjagt sein Leben lang. Er glaubt, daß ein Mensch so gut ist wie der andere."

"He is from far, far away. From a country, where people killed each other, because some believed themselves by birth to be better than the others...He only knows one love and that is a dream...An ideal, that he has been chasing all his life. He believes that one human being is as much worth as the other."

Some movie I certainly watched as a child and which makes me wonder if I listened at the time or if only the action caught my attention...

My best wishes to becoming a full-fledged human being in all wonderful aspects.

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