Tuesday 21 February 2017

I'm Just a Sucker for Redemption

Live by Night by all standards was no bad movie, but alas I had read the book beforehand.

It's rather a shame that the protagonists in the movie despite all the fine acting and dialogues only appear to be empersonations of ideas and not full-fledged people. Spitefully Graciella is most underwritten. In the book she matches up to Joe, they are truly partners in crime with Graciella having the advantage of having a purpose, which lends their relationship a depth that the movie cannot provide.

The gravest mistake though was the final scene of Chief Figgis. Wheareas in the book he definitely aims at Joe and only accidentally kills Graciella, in the movie he shoots at the house endangering everybody inside. In the movie Joe simply shoots him afterwards, in the book Figgis is given his moment of redemption, the moment when he realizes what his constant call "Repent!" could actually mean, encompassed in this short phrase: "I'm sorry."

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