Tuesday 5 July 2016

Anstandswauwau - Chaperon

Sometimes I need an 'Anstandswauwau', a 'decency bow-wow' or rather chaperon to guard my common decency. Once I invited two, a male and a female one, to a dinner for four. The outcome was that in my living-room later at night the female one and me were rather insanely laughing at each other, with her telling me that this had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life. I'm deeply sorry that the emotional tension was so highly charged that she obviously got her fair share as well.
One of the saddest things I've ever encountered was a gigantic poster that covered almost the entire facade of a house. It read 'To so and so for your first communion, the best day of your life - your grandparents'. The child was presumably eight or nine years old and already was facing the best day of her life. Then there was this relative of mine, who used to celebrate her first communion's anniversary by lighting a candle and her and her mother crying a little bit. But this again was so silly that it made me laugh.
I had another highly emotional encounter with the person from the dinner, this time in Berlin and this time my husband was present and he soothed the situation a little bit and later back at our hotel he reaped what he maybe hadn't sown - at least not all by himself...

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